Endowment Fund
Creating a Sustainable Future
Placer Artists Tour
Endowment Fund
We are thrilled to announce that a fund has been established at Placer Community Foundation. Pledges from the Sky View Foundation, Mary Ann Flemmer Arts and Environment Fund at Placer Community Foundation, and the Family of Susan Cooley-Gilliom, Joanne Neft and Rich & Victoria Brooks; all strong and essential supporters of our arts community, provide a matching challenge for the long-term support of the Placer Artists Tour.
Your gift to this important fund will be doubled dollar for dollar up to $350,000 and will ensure that the Placer Artists Tour will continue to impact future generations.

“For more than a quarter of a century, we have cherished our deeply satisfying lifestyle in the Sierra foothills and a significant contributor is the abundance of arts, culture and a vibrant volunteerism. The Placer Artists Tour has been one of our very favorite events for all this time, too. We wholeheartedly endorse and support keeping it alive and flourishing, and encourage our friends and neighbors around the region to join us!” – Stephanie & Bob Snyder
We are fortunate to live in Placer County where there are so many talented artists of all mediums. What better way to improve our lives than to support the arts in Placer County. We are proud to support the Placer Artists Tour via our participation and donations, because of its positive impact on the quality of life in Placer County” – Rich & Victoria Brooks
Thank you to our generous
Sky View Foundation
Mary Ann Flemmer Arts and Environment Fund
The Family of Susan Cooley-Gilliom
Joanne Neft
Rich & Victoria Brooks
Visit the Placer Community Foundation
to learn more about ways to give.