Rich Brooks

I was a chemistry major in college, and if you know anything about science majors, you know that we spend a lot of time in the laboratory. Hours every day. Every day of the week!
In addition, I had been a photographer for many years. About halfway through college I decided to pursue photography to get outdoors to capture the landscape and wildlife. I discussed this plan with an uncle, a very successful businessman. Since I was strong in math, he suggested that I switch majors to finance. That way I would have a career that could support my family, because with photography it wasn’t as certain. I finished college in finance and had a very successful career.
I never put down the camera, but in the last decade I have dived in headfirst to ramp up my skills and fine tune my technique. Gone are the days of dark rooms and chemicals. Now it is computers and a dizzying array of software. Same concepts and applications, different approach to produce the final image.
For landscape and wildlife photographers, gathering source material is the same as it has always been. Get off your duff and get out there. For me, I enjoy the extreme conditions. Stormy weather. Remote locations. Float plane to remote glacier lake and then hike miles with a 40-pound pack of camera gear to photograph grizzly bears up close while they catch salmon? Count me in.
I hope my photographs bring you an appreciation of the beauty around us.
Rich Brooks.
Instagram: @RichBrooksPhotos