LouCinda Laughlin

During her childhood, art was LouCinda’s creative outlet. Her dreams of pursuing art was discouraged by her family so she chose a career as a lawyer instead. During her legal career, photography became her creative outlet. When she retired and was able to explore her creative side full-time, her photography became the starting point for her pastel work. Her earlier pastel work leaned more towards realism but she soon found her creative freedom was released by moving into semi-abstract pieces. Now LouCinda applies a modern abstract twist to her pastel work. Her work is an explosion of color resulting in paintings full of life and energy. Her semi-abstract style results in paintings that contain a recognizable focus but also relies upon unusual shapes, lines, and colors to bring a surprise to her image. She refers to her pastel work as “twisted pastels.”
A common theme for LouCinda in the last few years has been animals. She started her Graffiti Animal Series four years ago and adds to that series each year. This series is the truest to her favorite style of painting. It reflects the influence of the 60s pop culture and draws upon LouCinda’s love of doodling. Her latest two series (“The Meow Series” and “Birds of a Feather Series”) contain some realistic pastel pieces along with different semi-abstract styles that bring more of the focus onto the image by limiting the background.
Occasionally, LouCinda will delve back into more realistic portrait or architectural paintings but her true joy comes from giving herself permission to move beyond what people see every day. LouCinda’s pastel work welcomes the viewer into the world as seen by LouCinda. Welcome to whimsey, joy, happiness and fun.