Julie Lawson

I am not alone when I say there is nothing more inspiring to me than the natural elements around me. Whether it is something I find right outside my door in Placer County or when visiting or traveling around this amazing world we live in, I am never disappointed!
Photography and printmaking has provided me with a wide range of opportunities for physical exploration, visual observance and tactile creation of art that demonstrates our connection with the complex ecosystems around us.
I am particularly drawn to birds, botanicals and wildlife. They provide me with endless viewpoints to capture beauty, comedy, wonder, randomness and even whimsy.
Through photography, I have been able to capture moments in time that were moving or interesting-something that never leaves me. Through printmaking, I am freed to translate those photographic images in a way that requires a more tactile approach to the translation. In monotype and collagraph renditions, I use form and color to spark the imagination of the viewer.
My goal for viewers of my work is to communicate my love of the simple and beautiful that surrounds us all!