Artists Resources

Help us make this the best Placer Artists Tour yet!

Download 2024 Artist Resources Below

Thanks for signing up for the 31st Annual Placer Artists Tour!  We’ve compiled these resources below including “Tips for a successful tour” and “Important Dates” as well as this year’s tour logos. Let us know if you have any questions and please only share this with Artists on tour.

Please note the images on this page may be downloaded onto your own computer for your use. Right-click the image or drag it onto your desktop to save on your computer.

Special Event Insurance From

Right click (or option-click) on the graphic you wish to download then save to your computer.

(Sample newsletter, email and/or social media post- edit as desired)

Please save the date!

I am excited to be participating in the 31st annual Placer Artists Tour! Come see me at (insert your location number and address here). You can see a selection of my latest artwork on (Insert your dates here: November 8-10 or Nov. 8-10 and Nov. 15-17 if doing encore weekend).

(Insert interesting details about your location or your medium/s here. Showing with multiple artists? Live music? Add demos and interactive projects & interesting details)

I hope you will come and see me during this special annual event.

Coming Soon