
The 2024 Printed Tour Guide advertisement period has closed.

Placer Artists Tour


We encourage online application so that we capture your data correctly. Artist Level Sponsors ($250 and above) will receive an invoice which can be paid by check or online through Paypal credit card processing.

Dine and Drink Sponsorship for restaurants, coffee shops, wineries and breweries.

For your $100 donation, your name will be listed as a sponsor in our Guide and website.

The Placer Artists Tour invites businesses and individuals to join us in support of the Placer Artists Tour to be held November 8-9-10 & 15-16-17, 2024.

Deadline for sponsor ads to appear in the printed Tour Guide was June 30, 2024. Print ads are now closed.

The Placer Artists Tour appreciates and depends on your support.
Artist fees cover one quarter of our operating expenses. The balance comes from our business and individual sponsors.

The arts are essential to a thriving community and the Tour helps make that happen! Please consider what the arts mean to you and give generously.

ALL Support Level Benefits:

  • Thank You page in Placer Artists Tour Guide and on
  • VIP Invitation to Taste of the Tour Preview Show reception October 19th at Blue Line Arts
  • Social media and other media coverage
  • Printed acknowledgement of your support for display at your business
  • Restaurants, Cafes, Wineries & Breweries:  Inclusion on Dine & Drink Sponsor page
  • Sponsor poster in each location on the Tour as well as special events
  • Opportunity for coupon on the Tour’s Bidcrest Passport web app.

VAN GOGH Sponsor $5,000

  • Private tour with wine and hors d’oeuvres for 2 at a studio of your choice, if requested
  • Full page ad in the Placer Artists Tour Guide*
  • Invitation to, and special recognition at the Sponsor Gratitude Celebration

DA VINCI Sponsor $2,500

  • Private tour with wine and hors d’oeuvres for 2 at a studio of your choice, if requested
  • 2/3 page ad in Placer Artists Tour Guide*
  • Invitation to, and special recognition at the Sponsor Gratitude Celebration

CASSATT Sponsor $1,000

  • Private tour with wine and hors d’oeuvres for 2 at a studio of your choice, if requested
  • 1/2 page ad in Placer Artists Tour Guide*
  • Invitation to the Sponsor Gratitude Celebration

RODIN Sponsor $500

  • 1/4 page ad in Placer Artists Tour Guide*
  • Invitation to the Sponsor Gratitude Celebration

DALI Sponsor $250

  • 1/8 page ad in the Placer Artists Tour Guide*

*All sponsorships received by June 30, 2024 will be included in the full color printed Tour Guide.

By becoming a sponsor, you will be supporting this collaboration between the arts and the public. In turn, the Placer Artists Tour will promote and publicize your business and/or individual gifts including through social media platforms, website presence, and inclusion in the full-color Tour Guide.

Thank you for your consideration and support of the 2024 Placer Artists Tour. For further information, contact Rebecca Martinez, Communications Director by e-mail at Your sponsorship is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Federal Tax ID #37-2071768.