Monica Wilson

FIRST Weekend
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Open by Appointment Year-Round

As an encaustic painter, I am inspired to create unusual and unpredictable works through the use of beeswax, damar resin, and an array of colorful pigments. While a bright burst of color might catch your eye initially, there are subtleties to my paintings which are revealed with closer observation.

Encaustic painting is unpredictable and messy – like life. The medium I use starts off as solid blocks of beeswax and resin, which is melted using a hotplate, to which pigments are added. This molten wax is painted onto a wood panel, and a blowtorch is used to create ebbs and flows with the wax medium – which can mimic the ebbs and flows of life. The outcome is usually not what was originally mapped out, but nevertheless, is beautiful and unique. No two paintings can ever be the same.