Jeannie Kaiser

I began felting and creating textile art 15 years ago when I discovered my mothers “stash ” of wool and yarn leftover from her days as a weaver and spinner. I feel at home with these materials and enjoy experimenting with their unique properties. In 2014, I started Artistic Fiber to showcase my work , and continue to explore fiber arts.
Primarily working with wool, silk, fiber and dyes, each piece has its own story. My wearable and 3D art pieces express the magic of color and texture. Currently, my work has centered around Botanical Printing on silk and linen, using the flora of our foothill environment. I discover something new every day and find joy in experimenting with endless possibilities. It is an exciting journey.
Felt, Natural Dye, Botanical Print, 3D, Textile Art, Wearable Art, Fiber Art