Shannon McClurg

BOTH Weekends
Jewelry, Photography
Contact Information
Shannon McClurg
Teaches Art Classes
Adults & Children
Beading, Pour painting, Beginning jewelry
Open by Appointment Year-Round

What we wear is often a statement of ourselves to others. Jewelry can further say a lot about who we are. Making unique designs out of new and found things can be challenging but exciting. I have always been an individualist, so making one of a kind pieces to wear just seems a natural progression. Often I start with a theme for a piece or series and let it run it’s course to see where it takes me, even if it requires reworking several times to look complete. Often when I start to choose what materials I will work with, I let them talk to me and help me follow their lead into what they will become. Turquoise says something different then say Glass or wood. Mixing these can often be a new expression, and I go from there. While I am inspired by other’s works, I go a different direction once I see those and usually it’s nothing like what my idea was in the first place.
Photography, Miniature painting and Mosaics.
Email: Grizzly Facebook: Grizzly Gallery.